<aside> 👌 Keep in mind that KPIs, while not an official organizational metric, will be a common point of discussion between managers and their team to set goals and measure progress!


The information from the following document was provided by Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation and was published by disasterready.org. The original text can be found HERE.

What is a Key Performance Indicator?

A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurement of activity or “quantifiable metric” that reflects how well an organization or team is performing against its organizational goals and objectives. KPIs can be set for the overall organization, department, team, or individual.


Why are KPI's Important?

Key Performance Indicators help you, your team, and other teams in your organization in the following ways:

<aside> 😖 This may seem like a lot, but most of this is automatically reflected when you take care of one or a few!


KPI's Measure...

"If you can't measure it, you can't manage it" ~ Peter Drucker


Setting KPIs